10 Back To School Quotes For Letter Boards

It’s that time of year again… Back to school season!

It’s a time of year that kids, parents, and teachers all typically look forward to, which makes sense because there’s so much excitement! We know that we get giddy about newly decorated classrooms, newly sharpened pencils, and newly organized binders and notebooks. It all feels so fresh and the anticipation of what we’ll all learn and experience this year is electric!

Personally, we just love learning. And the most exciting thing to us about going back to school is all the subjects we’ll dive into, the books we’ll read, and the new ideas we’ll have. We think life is all about learning, growing, and exploring and school is the perfect place to do that. As we head into the new school year, we’re committed to trying new things and learning something every day.

Whether you (or your kids) attend a public school, private school, charter school, homeschool, or another educational institution, we know you’re busy preparing. Maybe there are bus stops and wardrobes to figure out. Maybe it’s new class schedules and locker combinations. Or maybe it’s curriculum and extracurricular activities. While all the newness can even feel a little intimidating, soon it will all be part of our daily routine. But, while we’re all in transition, we want to help you have a successful start by providing some motivation… in the form of inspiring words, of course!

We’ve put together 10 of our favorite back to school quotes that are perfect for your letter board, fridge, classroom whiteboard, or any magnetic surface you have around your home or classroom. Whatever surface you have available, these are great quotes to display in plain sight to keep the momentum going - for students, parents, teachers, and other classroom workers and family members who are part of making this a successful year for us all!

Just remember, we got this!

Which is your favorite quote? Choose from the list below, decorate your letter board or other magnetic surface, and tag us in your pictures on social media so we can cheer you on as you head back to school!

  1. Firsts are best because they are beginnings.
  2. Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself.
  3. Success is a journey, not a destination.
  4. Believe to Achieve.
  5. What you learn here will change the world.
  6. The future of the world is in the classroom today.
  7. Alexa, homeschool the kids.
  8. Keep calm and homeschool on.
  9. When one teaches, two learn.
  10. Believe in yourself and you will be unstoppable.

Featured Image: 15x15 Magnetic Letter Board Slate in Whiteboard with Soft Magnetic Letters in Tropical Teal

Looking for more back to school inspiration? Check out 10 Letter Board Quotes for Classroom Decor and Creative Back to School Letter Board Ideas!