23 Inspiring Quotes about Happiness

What memories come to mind when you think of the happiest moments of your life?

Maybe it’s a time when you were proud of an accomplishment. Or a time when you succeeded at something that was a challenge for you. Maybe you think of quiet moments when you were by yourself - such as taking a walk in a favorite place or working in your garden. Maybe your happiest moments have happened surrounded by those you love, having conversations around the dinner table with family or blasting music in the car and singing with friends. 

Whatever it is that makes you the happiest, I think we can all agree that we want more truly happy moments in our lives. 

 Quotes about Happiness

The good news is, it’s up to us to create them! While sometimes we stumble into happy moments, for the most part, happiness is a choice. It’s scientifically proven that there are things we can do to increase our feelings of happiness, such as exercising, sleeping more, eating well, meditating, and simply choosing to think happy and grateful thoughts. Pretty cool, right? Combine some happiness-inducing activities with learning to let go of things in your life that don’t make you happy and we bet your list of happy moments will start growing!

Here’s our suggestion: think about the things you were doing in your happiest moment and do more of those things. We’re happiest when we’re together as a family, working on new projects and ideas or spending time outside, so we really try to fill our lives with those things! Go for a walk, plan a trip, host a dinner party, turn on loud music and have a dance party, go for a run, make your favorite meal, read a good book, or snuggle with your dog. We bet there are things on your list that aren’t big and expensive and that you can even do today!

To remind you of the importance of intentionally creating happiness, we’ve rounded up 23 quotes about happiness for your letter board or other place in your home. Get out your magnetic letters and display your favorite quotes in a way that will remind you to choose to do things that make you happy every single day!

  1. Think happy, be happy
  2. Find your happy place
  3. Live your life one smile at a time
  4. Be your own reason for your happiness.
  5. Do more of what makes you happy.
  6. Happy thoughts, happy life.
  7. Have the courage to be happy.
  8. Why go for a happy ending when you can have a happy now?
  9. Life is better when you’re laughing.
  10. You do not find the happy life. You make it.
  11. Being happy is the greatest form of success.
  12. Happiness is an inside job.
  13. Being happy never goes out of style.
  14. Be happy whenever possible.
  15. Happiness is not by chance but by choice.
  16. What makes you happy doesn’t need to make sense to others.
  17. Happiness looks gorgeous on you.
  18. Learn to let go. That is the key to happiness.
  19. Whatever makes your soul happy, do that.
  20. It is not happy people who are thankful, it’s thankful people who are happy.
  21. Be happy with what you have while working for what you want.
  22. A day without laughter is a day wasted.
  23. Let it go and be happy.