27 Funny Plant Quotes

We love when houseplants are part of home decor because they’re beautiful and they bring a touch of nature inside. Just looking at them makes us happy. And we definitely believe you can never have too many.

There are lots of amazing benefits to having plants in your home. Plants have been shown to reduce stress levels, help you focus, improve air quality, and may even help you recover from illness faster. And, if we weren’t already sold on our green friends, knowing that having house plants has been shown to increase productivity might be the motivation we need to head over to our local greenhouse and pick out a few for our workspace. We’re all for checking off more items from our to-do list!

Even if you don’t have a greenthumb, there are lots of hearty varieties of indoor plants that are nearly impossible to kill. These low maintenance plants just need the right amount of water, light, and soil - plus a little bit of love. We’ll take one of each, please!

If you’re a houseplant-lover, here are some quote ideas for your letter board and they’re all about our little leafy friends. Display your favorite quote at home or in your office, and don’t forget to tag us so we can see which one you chose!

  1. Crazy plant lady
  2. Plants are my soil-mates
  3. Be-leaf in yourself!
  4. You grow girl!
  5. Ready, set, grow!
  6. A list of reasons why I love plants.  1: It’s a plant.
  7. Plants are friends
  8. Aloe there!
  9. Plant addicts unite!
  10. “I have enough plants” said no one ever
  11. Home is where your plants are.
  12. Drink water and get sunlight. You’re basically a plant with more complicated emotions.
  13. Keep going. Keep growing.
  14. Sorry, I have plants this weekend.
  15. My plants be-leaf in me.
  16. Ah ha ha ha. Stayin’ alive.
  17. Grow through what you go through.
  18. When one of my plants dies, I die a little inside too.
  19. Say aloe to my little friend.
  20. Let me plant one on ya!
  21. I’m rooting for you!
  22. We make a prickly pair.
  23. If speaking kindly to plants helps them grow, imagine what speaking kindly to a human can do.
  24. My life is a disaster but at least my plants are thriving!
  25. Have so much light that plants grow towards you.
  26. I don’t need less plants. I need more shelves.
  27. Anyone who has time for drama doesn’t have enough plants.

If you’re looking for some green inspiration to display your favorite quotes about your plant friends, we love our Soft Magnetic Letters in Olive Juice, Emerald City, or Uncut Grass!

Plant Lover Quote Ideas